Saturday, October 2, 2010

Death and Dying

So today I had to work my weekend at a hospital close to my hometown.  For those of you that don't know, I'm an occupational therapist and I sincerely take pride in my work.  I love to help people, making a difference makes all the years (and loan debt) I put into my college education worth it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Check it Out!

DazzledbyJake made me this fabulous banner for SIS because that's how awesome she is! What do you think? Pretty cool?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Seventh Inning Stretch Chapter 10: Going Too Far

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Twilight related. Of course, that fabulous world belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I just enjoy making Bella do ridiculous things. Hello to all the new readers and thank you to all of the old, especially those who put up with me and my outrageous delays between updates. No excuse.

Seventh Inning Stretch

Chapter 10: Going Too Far

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Need Your Help

Ladies...and one gent [Dove, quit reading my blog. :-)],

So in light of the fact that most of the stories I currently have on my alert list only update like...once every 3 months, I need help trying to form a list of the next five stories I should start reading. I mean, there are a BILLION great ones out there, and trust me, few of them I have read, so I need a little boost.

In the comments below, let me know your top 5. Tell me why you love them, what they are about, why I NEED to read them. I will compile my next top 5 from your recs.

Thanks for your help.

P.S. Chapter 10 of SIS is half way complete!

Why Hello There Swauzzie Pie

This is Christina and I's new boyfriend. Sorry, Zo and Matt.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thank you!!!

Seventh Inning Stretch won Second Place for The Best Panty Soaker in The Underdog awards over at the air_the sun livejournal community!

Thanks you to everyone who voted, I am more honored than words can say.

For a list of some of the other winners, click here.

Banners made by:


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SIS Chapter Ten Polyvor Teaser

Hiya lovelies,

I finished the Polyvore for Chapter 10 of Seventh Inning Stretch and thought I'd share it with you for a small visual teaser.  Please let me know what you think...

Do you like stories that post visuals or do you prefer to conjure them up in your mind on your own?

Thanks for your input! Chapter 10 will hopefully be posted soon!